Please see below for APA guidelines on how to cite an article or page found on a website (not a database), including an organization or government website.
Format: Author(s). (Year, Month Day). Title of article in italics. Website Name. URL
Note: Cite an online source as a website only if no other type of source applies to it. For instance, many magazines and newspapers publish articles on their websites - in cases like this, you would cite the article as if it were an online magazines or newspaper article (not a website article). This holds true for journal articles, conference procedures, social media posts, blog posts, online videos, etc. You may need to check the APA manual or ask a librarian to see if your type of source is listed.
Note: If you're citing multiple articles or webpage from the same website, then create a reference entry for each one.
Note: If you're just mentioning a website in general but not actually pulling any specific information from it, do not created a reference list entry or use an in-text citation. Simply include the name of the website in the text of your paper, and list the URL in parenthesis after the name. For instance, the the Centers for Disease Control website ( provides information on vaccines. If you pulled specific information from the website, then cite each page that you pulled information from as it's own reference entry (see note above).
Example: Harrar, S. (2007, July 5). Better heart health. CNN.
Example: Smith, J. D. (2002-2023). The secret to a long life. American Cancer Society.
Group Author: Mayo Clinic. (2011, June 23). Absence seizure.
Access Date: Smith, J. D. (n.d.). Considerations for new nurses. Career Spot. Retrieved July 3, 2023, from
Government: National Cancer Institute. (2020). Lung cancer update (NIH Publication No. 20-6548). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health.
Note: When using a government website with many layers of agencies, use the most specific agency as the author, then list the name(s) of the parent agencies as the website name, beginning with the biggest agency/parent agency and working towards more specific separating with commas (i.e. The White House, Office of the Press Secretary). Do no repeat agencies in the that were used as the author.
For the website article title, capitalize only proper nouns and the first word of the article title and subtitle. Also italicize the website article title (APA considers it a standalone).
For the website name, capitalize all the significant words in the title. Do not use italics or quotation marks.
Note: If you mention a Website article title in your paper, all major words should be capitalized and it should be in italics.
When author and website name are the same, skip the website name (to avoid repetition).
Do not put a period at the end of entries with a URL.
For the URL, put the exact link to content or page where reader can easily find the cited material. For example, use instead of
Some works online note last updated or edited or revised date, you would use this date if listed. If lists last reviewed as the date, you would not use as the content was not necessarily changed when reviewed. You can use copyright date(s) if exist and there is not a last updated/edited/revised date. If the website has no specific date (year or no date), but will not change over time such as an edition of a report or ebook for instance then no retrieval date is needed. Include a retrieval date only if source material could change over time like a webpage or non-published article with just year (2023) or (n.d.). See example above.
Double space entries. If an entry runs more than one line, use hanging indent the next line(s).
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