When you use a book source, you do not always need to use the entire book. Sometimes, you will only use a certain chapter or section of a book for your research. Below are some other examples of parts of books that you might need to cite instead of the book as a whole:
Note: If you have a book with author(s) but no editor(s), you would cite the whole book even if you only use a part of the book.
Format: Author(s) of Part. (Year). Title of part. In Editor's Name (Ed.), Title of book in italics (Edition ed., Vol. volume number, pp. page numbers of part). Publisher. DOI/URL
*Note: If no DOI for a book that is from on internet, include the URL. This is the only case you would use an URL.
List all names of authors and/or editors (following the same rules as multiple authors), only use initials for first and middle names. The last author or editor is linked with &.
If no author given, skip the author and move the title in front of the date; alphabetize entry by title.
If group author (company, association, organization, etc.) and publisher are the same, list group author in the author position and skip the publisher (to avoid repetition).
If no date is given, use (n.d.).
In citations, capitalize proper nouns and the only first words of title and subtitle (word after the colon).
Note: If you mention a title in your paper, all major words should be capitalized and it should be in italics.
List the publisher's name as shown in the source. Do not abbreviate (unless shown that way). Follow capitalization as shown in source.
Always list the DOI if given. DOI is preferred rather than a URL for ebooks on the internet.
If a DOI is not given, but the source can be found in a library database, then do not include a URL (simply cite the entry the same way you would a print entry).
URLs should be as specific as possible (i.e. take the reader directly to the page you used).
Present DOI’s and URL’s as hyperlinks beginning with http:// or https:// (Links can be ‘live’ if your writing is going to be viewed electronically or online)
Format: Author(s) of Part. (Year). Title of part. In Editor's Name (Ed.), Title of book in italics (Edition ed., Vol. volume number, pp. page numbers of part). Publisher.
Example: Yaklin, S. S., & Halter, M. J. (2022). Impulse control disorders. In M. J. Halter (Ed.), Varcarolis foundations of psychiatric-mental health nursing: A clinical approach Gale encyclopedia of medicine (9th ed., pp. 391-405). Elsevier.
Format: Author(s) of Part. (Year). Title of part. In Editor's Name (Ed.), Title of book in italics (Edition ed., Vol. volume number, pp. page numbers of part). Publisher. DOI
Example: Turner, J. B. (2006). Diaper rash. In J. L. Longe (Ed.), The Gale encyclopedia of medicine (3rd ed., Vol. 2, pp. 1169-1171). Thomson Gale. https://doi.org/10.1002/97804560
*Note This example could be from a library database or from Internet as APA does not include database information in the citation.
DOI stands for Digital Object Identifier, and is a unique code assigned to academic articles/books to help you locate them. It's sort of like an article's social security number. A DOI may look like a link (https://doi.org/10.1109/5.771073) or they may just have the DOI itself (10.1109/5.771073). In your citation, format the DOI as a link.
Always include the DOI if it is given, but not every source will have one. If a source has a DOI, it takes the place of a URL.
The format will depend on where you found the ebook - you cite differently depending on whether or not the ebook came from a library database or outside internet.
Format: Author(s) of Part. (Year). Title of part. In Editor's Name (Ed.), Title of book in italics (Edition ed., Vol. volume number, pp. page numbers of part). Publisher.
*Note: Library Databases are cited the same as print sources.
Example: Weinstock, R., Leong, G. B., & Silva, J. A. (2003). Defining forensic psychiatry. In R. B. Rosner & J. R. Gilbert (Eds.), Forensic psychiatry (2nd ed., pp. 7-13). Mosby.
Format: Author(s) of Part. (Year). Title of part. In Editor's Name (Ed.), Title of book in italics (Edition ed., Vol. volume number, pp. page numbers of part). Publisher. URL
*Note: Only use URLs for internet sources.
*Note: Skip any information for you do not have.
Example: Stockton, L., Smith, F. B., & Fields, J. A. (2024). Dementia. In Aging conditions (p. 13). Parsons. http://www.dementiabook.com
Example: Limaiem, F., Rehman, A., & Mazzoni, T. (2025). Papillary thyroid carcinoma. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK536943/
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