Linking to Electronic Resources
If you want to create a link to an electronic article, eBook, or entry from a library database that is usable both on and off-campus for your students in your D2L class, syllabus, class notes, etc., follow the instructions listed below.
Accessing Databases: You may be asked to login to the library's databases even on campus. You should always be asked to login to access an article or ebook from a library database when you are off-campus. You username is your email address (ex:, and the password is your portal password.
How you create the links is based on the vendor/database provider. Please find your vendor/database below and follow the directions. If you need any assistance or are using a vendor/database that is not on he list, please contact Mary Daubenspeck.
Saving and Using Links from Databases
Use the Link Provided by these Vendors/Databases
For links from these vendors, use the permanent URL or Permalink provided by the database. These savable links are usually labeled something like Permalink, Get Link, Share link to Book, Share, Page Link, Email Jumpstart, etc.(Do not use the URL in the address box at the top of the page as it may contain temporary session information.)
EBSCO: All Databases

Gale: All Databases

Proquest: These Databases 

Proquest: These Databases: Can use the link as is but link is hard to find. Click on "Details" on the left after find article you want to save. Then copy the link under "Document URL." 

InfoBase: These Databases

Credo: All Databases 
Salem Press: All Databases 
StatRef!: AAFP Conditions A to Z, EBMCalc., and all except Anatomy TV (see below for Anatomy TV). 
Vendors/Databases That Link Need Editing
Links from these vendors/specific databases, you need to run through this Link Generator website. Paste the link in the "Enter your links" box, and then copy the new link it creates.

Bloomsbury: All Databases

Chronicle of Higher Education: 
InfoBase: These Databases

MLA Handbook Plus 
Proquest: These databases 

StatRef: Anatomy TV