2. Explore Your Topic
Select an artist from your course textbook (Lentz, Ella Mae, et al. Signing Naturally, Units 7-12, DawnSign Press, 2014) and choose a work they have done.
You can also do some background research on artists using library databases and other websites.
Analyze Your Topic

You will need to include the following information in your PowerPoint Presentation:
- Author's name and art work.
- Author Biography, including family background, education, and art education.
- Art work: How does the piece fit into resistance or affirmation art?
- Describe how this work shows the Deaf experience.
- Explain the centralized focus on the face or hands.
- Identify how the color choices help define the art.
- Universal themes
- Explain how this art connects to the broad experience of the Deaf community, based on research related to themes.
- Describe how this work fits into "artivism" or social justice within the De'VIA community.