Your assignment is to create a virtual exhibit of at least five (5) works of art. In addition to the pieces of artwork, this will include writing an essay or slide text about your exhibit, the artwork, and how the art is thematically related (at least 1200 words). The project will be created in either Microsoft PowerPoint or Microsoft Word.
Q. How many sources?
For the Virtual Exhibit assignment you will have two types of sources: Artwork and text sources.
Artwork: You should select at least 5 works of art by three different artists and work created in two different media. No more than one artwork can come from your textbook.
Text sources: At least three text sources other than your textbook.
Q. What kind of sources?
Use instructor-recommended websites, your textbook, and/or books or periodicals found in the library or library databases to find and research the art. Wikipedia and/or Google Image search (for art work) should not be used.
Q. How do you cite sources?
For this assignment you will use MLA format for your citations. You may want to remind yourself what information you need to create the MLA Works Cited page and in-text citations. Remember, in this assignment you will be citing the artwork, as well as other sources.
Q. When is it due?
Make a note of the due date for your project. Is there one due date for everything or are there multiple due dates for different parts of the assignment? Plan out your time, so you don't get stuck doing all the work at the last minute. Plan extra time in case you have problems or get stuck.
Q. Are there sources?
Before you totally commit to a theme and artwork, you'll want to make sure that there are enough outside sources on the theme and artist for your assignment. Not every art theme or artist is going to have information written about it/them. Newer art or artists who aren't as well known may be harder to find sources for. Do some searching in the library's databases to make sure there are sources, and Ask-A-Librarian to double-check if you're not sure there are enough sources for a artist or theme you're really interested in.
Browse through chapters 5 and 6 of your textbook. First identify a thoughtful theme for your exhibit. Use your own interests to find a theme. A theme is not a subject. Themes are ideas, concepts, or issues. A theme is the reason why the art was made or the work's connotation. Seek out universal themes. Find artwork across time and/or culture to see how different people address the same idea.
Once you have selected a specific theme, research and identify at least five (5) works of art for your exhibit.
Your exhibit must include artwork by at least three (3) different artists and work created in two (2) different media.
Determine the order in which the artworks will be displayed. Should the work be displayed based on chronology, geography, or narrative?
Theme examples:
Consider a painting of the crucifixion of Jesus. Jesus, a person, is the subject and the crucifixion is an event or act. What core idea is embodied in this act? Perhaps sacrifice? Is the idea of sacrifice central to religions other than Christianity? It is conveyed through their art as well? Other examples are: War is a subject. Independence is a theme. Self-portraits are subjects. Self-loathing is a theme.
You are not limited to these examples. They are provided as examples to get you started down the path of finding an idea, concept, or issue that is important to you and discovering how artists have grappled with this same theme.
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