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ART 101 - Virtual Art Exhibit

2. Explore Your Topic

Magnifying Glass

Focus your discussion on the connection of your theme to the underlying meaning (content) of the artworks and the historical/cultural context in which it was created. A small amount of biographical information on the artist may be appropriate, but more emphasis should be placed on the artist's artistic style and its relation to art movements.

Consider investigating some of the following questions. You are not limited to these questions. They are intended to help you get started writing the essay/slide text.

  • Do the artists approach or view the theme the same way? If not, why?
  • Are the artworks stylistically similar or different, and why?
  • Have artworks addressing your chosen theme changed over time?
  • Which artistic period/school/movements are the artists associated?
  • How is the artwork a reflection of the time and place it was made?
  • What cultural conventions and and traditions are reflected in the artworks?
  • Who is the artworks' intended audience?
  • How does the form/structure of the work help convey meaning?
  • How is symbolism used?
  • Does the artist portray his/her subject favorably or not, and why?
  • What can visitors learn or take away after viewing your exhibit?

Recommended Books

Start exploring possible topics and learn more about the history of art from these book selections.