1. Getting Started
First Things First - Assignment Requirements
Before you begin work on your written report and oral report, examine the assignment closely for any requirements. Always check with your instructor for details and make to sure nothing has changed.
Q. What is due?
You will be doing both a written and an oral report on a topic of a disease.
Q. How long is the written and oral report?
The written report is two pages in length, double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin. The oral report should be at least 5 minutes in length, but no longer than 15 minutes.
Q. How many sources?
There is no set requirement, but 2-3 sources should be adequate.
Q. What kind of sources?
You may use sources from the SCC Library or credible, quality sites from internet. Suggested resources are included in this guide.
Q. How do you cite sources?
You will use MLA format for your citations. You may want to remind yourself what information you need to create the MLA Works Cited page and in-text citations.
Q. When is it due?
The due dates for the oral and written reports will be assigned by your instructor.
Selecting a Topic
The first thing you need to decide on a topic. Your instructor is letting you choose "any topic related to a disease." Here are a couple of things to consider when choosing your topic.
Q. Do you have an interest?
If you have a choice on what topic you can write about, consider which one you find the most interesting. Which topic do you think would be the easiest to write about? Which topic would you have the most to say about?
Q. Are there sources?
Before you totally commit to a topic, you'll want to make sure that there are enough outside sources on the topic for your assignment. Not every topic is going to have information written about it. Newer topics or topics that aren't as well known may be harder to find sources for. Do some searching in the library's databases to make sure there are sources, and Ask-A-Librarian to double-check if you're not sure there are enough sources for a topic you're really interested in.