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ACC 150 - Discrimination in the Workplace

2. Explore Your Topic

After thoroughly examining your assignment, now it's time to look for some initial background research on discrimination in the workplace.  Try a search in the following database to learn more.

Try out searches for:

  • Civil Rights Act
  • Age Discrimination
  • Fair Labor Standards Act
  • Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Minimum Wage Act

Analyze Your Topic

Consider the follow ideas:

Magnifying Glass

  • What does discrimination mean to you personally?
  • What does discrimination mean according to the law?
  • What should YOU do if you know of someone violating this statute?
  • What should an employer do if someone claims an employer is violating this statue?

Areas to investigate include: Civil Rights Act, Age Discrimination, Fair Labor Standards Act, Americans With Disabilities Act, Minimum Wage Act.