Once you've narrowed your topic and thought about keywords, try searching the databases below for literary criticism.
Basic Search: a good first search is just the name of the play in quotation marks, followed by the word AND and the author's last name.
Trifles AND Glaspell
"The Tempest" AND Shakespeare
This general search will show you everything we have on a certain play.
Narrowed Search: Trifles AND Glaspell AND marriage or "The Tempest" AND Shakespeare AND colonialism.
Remember to search multiple times and try out different keywords for your search.
If your keywords aren't working, ask a librarian for help!
The following databases are the best place to start looking for literary criticism.
Search 2 EBSCO literary databases at once: Literary Reference Source and Academic Search Premier. Proxy Bypass
The below databases will have historical sources for students who choose the Historical Research options.
Search 10 databases at once: Academic Search Premier, TOPICsearch, MasterFILE Premier, Military & Government Collection, MAS Ultra - School Edition, Vocational and Career Collection, Associates Programs Source, Newspaper Source Plus, GreenFILE, and News (AP, UPI, etc.). Proxy Bypass
Find journal, magazine and newspaper articles. Millions of full-text articles, many with images. Updated daily.
Below are streaming video databases that have numerous plays in them. Search each one or ask a librarian to figure out which one might contain your play.
Full-length streaming videos of live theatre performances from the National Theatre (London, England), including Antigone, Hamlet, Frankenstein, and a Streetcar Named Desire.
Use the search box below to search the SCC Library Catalog for physical books (in one of our library locations) and eBooks. You can also open the Library Catalog or use the Advanced Search for more search options.
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