Before you begin work on any assignment, examine the assignment closely for any requirements.
Q. How long is the paper?
This could be a page length, a page range, a word count, etc. such as, 5 pages. Make sure to check your assignment.
Q. How many sources?
For this assignment, you will need a minimum of three sources: your Multiview book, the Bible, and works related to your passages.
Q. What kind of sources?
In addition to the sources listed above, you may use books, videos by The Bible Project, and articles through the library's databases. Do NOT use resources from the internet without getting approval from your instructor.
Q. How do you cite sources?
You will use MLA format for your citations for this assignment. You may want to remind yourself what information you need to create the MLA Works Cited page and in-text citations.
Q. What is due?
There are many parts to this assignment that must be submitted as the class progresses throughout the semester. Make note of all the parts of the assignment and create a checklist to make sure you don't leave anything out.
Q. When is it due?
There are parts of this assignment that are due throughout the semester, so make sure that you read the assignment carefully and plan for each of the due dates.
Q. What other requirements should you make note of?
Are there requirements to include a certain number of quotes or paraphrases? Make sure you note how many specific similarities and differences you need to discuss in your paper. Remember to note any other requirements on the assignment sheet, and ask your instructor for clarification on any parts you're not sure about.
The first thing you need to do before you begin a research paper is to select a topic that you're going to write about.
Through this assignment, you’ll have the opportunity to look into one of these issues that New Testament scholars are divided on and come to your own conclusions.
At the end of this project, you should have a clear position on the theological issue.
Upon completion of this assignment, you should be able to:
You have a choice of these topics:
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