PASCAL Delivers is a rapid book-delivery service provided by the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL) which enables students, faculty and staff across the state to request and receive books from college and university libraries in South Carolina. Over 12 million items are available in the catalog and books usually arrive within a few days!
And now, full text access from anywhere to over 300,000 PASCAL provided e-books is also available right from the PASCAL Delivers catalog!
Important! Please note that you should only request items from other libraries that the SCC Library does not own.
Current students (at any campus) who are enrolled in classes this semester. Continuing education students and community patrons are not eligible. Faculty and staff at Spartanburg Community College at all campuses can use PASCAL Delivers. Patrons must be "in good standing" at the SCC Library in order to use the service. Note: You must bring a current SCC ID card to pick up your loan (current school year must be listed on ID card). Eligible users may check out up to 25 items.
You can locate books to request from the normal SCC library catalog. Be sure to sign in to the catalog with your SCC username and password for this service. As you're searching, if you find an eligible item in the catalog that SCC does not own, a "Request via Pascal Delivers" button will show on the record. Click on this link and complete the request form with your desired pick-up location (one of the SCC campuses). When your items arrives, you'll be notified by your SCC email.
You can also specifically search PASCAL Delivers items in the library catalog by using the drop down menu on the search box to select PASCAL Delivers.
For more information about PASCAL Delivers and a User FAQ that includes borrowing periods, renewals, etc. please see the PASCAL Delivers website.
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