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Find Articles (Databases)

On and Off-Campus Access to Databases

You may be asked to login when trying to use the library's databases, both on and off campus. You'll also be asked to login if using a link to a specific article or ebook from the library databases.

On and Off-Campus Login Information to the Library's Databases

For Students and Employees:

Username: Your SCC email address (on the back of your SCC ID card), example:

Password: This is the same password you use for the Portal and D2L

**On the SCC Portal Log In page, you can use  the link for 'Get Your Username' to find your email, and there is also a link to "Manage Your Password" on this page if you need to find or change your password.

For Community Patrons and Alumni:

Only available on-campus. Must get a library staff member to enter a guest user name and password to authenticate and add a cookie for this browser to access on the Authentication Page.


Vendor agreements require users to be current SCC students, faculty, staff.

To Access a Database:

  1. Start at the library's homepage.
  2. Click on  "Databases (Articles)" under "Search & Find"
  3. Click on the subject you need.
  4. Click on the name of the database you'd like to search.
  5. If a login page appears, it should look like the image below.Off Campus login screen
  6. Your username and password is your SCC email address and Portal password.
  7. Once logged in, you should then go directly into the database you chose.

Using a Link

If you are using a link that you saved or emailed to yourself and you are off-campus, certain databases will require you to "Find Your Institution" before you can get to the login screen above. You do not have an OpenAthens Account, so do not enter your email and password. Search for "Spartanburg Community College."   Once you find and click on "Spartanburg Community College," it will take you to the login in page. This is what that screen looks like.

                      Login Box for OpenAthen

Please Contact Us if you are having trouble with accessing a database or you need help with your search. You can also chat with us or email us with our Ask A Librarian service.