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ENG 205 - Beowulf

This guide will help you with your Beowulf research paper in English 205.

4. Find Sources

Once you've narrowed your topic and thought about keywords, try searching the databases below for literary criticism or history information.

Basic Search: a good first search is Beowulf followed by the word 'and' and the subtopic.  Examples below: 

"​Beowulf and treasure" - also "Beowulf and gold," "Beowulf and man-price," "Beowulf and gift, "Beowulf and wealth"

"Beowulf and (alienation or community)" - also "Beowulf and (community or comitatus)"

"Beowulf and Christianity," - also "Beowulf and (Christ* or pagan*)," "Beowulf and religion," "Beowulf and monsters"

" Beowulf and hero" - also, "Beowulf and ideal hero," "Beowulf and heroic code"

"Beowulf and Vikings"

Literary Criticism Sources

Historical Sources

Video Sources

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