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ENG 101 - Current Issues / Topics

This guide contains guidance and recommended sources for Eng 101 current events or controversial issues assignments.

3. Narrow Your Topic

Narrow SignOnce you've done some initial background reading, it's time to narrow down your topic to what you really want to write about.  Remember your assignment requirements and consider what you've read so far.

Ask yourself:

  • What issue or controversy are you interested in learning about?
  • What makes that issue interesting to you?
  • What factors influence the issue?
  • Is there more than one side to this issue? What are the opposing viewpoints on it?

Think how you can discuss the issue in your paper and consider what arguments you might want to make. 



Keywords for your search will primarily be different forms or variations of the name of the issue you chose. If you are searching a phrase, put quotation marks around the phrase. For example:

government and "net neutrality"

some other search terms for government might include: regulation, legislation, etc.

Also, you may find some ideas for keywords in the background information that you've already researched. For example:

The government agency that deals with net neutrality is the Federal Communications Commission, also known as the FCC. Including that term in your search will help you find more information on the topic.

Tip: Remember that when you are searching for a phrase, such as "net neutrality," it is important to put quotation marks around the phrase. This tells the database to search for that specific phrase in articles. If you did not include the quotation marks, the search might return articles about just nets or just neutrality, but not "net neutrality." 

Keywords work best by trial-and-error. Never do only one search. Some keywords will work better than others, and some keywords may lead you to different articles than you found in your first search.  Search the databases with the keywords you selected to find relevant articles. And remember to ask a librarian if you need assistance coming up with keywords or looking for sources.