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ENG 101 - Argumentative Essay - Food Related (Ray)

2. Explore Your Topic

After thoroughly examining your assignment, now it's time to look for some initial background research on your topic.  View the topic pages below in the Credo Database to learn more about Topics.

Analyze Your Topic

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Think about who might be involved.Does your issue disproportionately effect a certain part of the population?  Are there further factors based on race, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status (wealth)? Are there corporations or government factors involved? What aspects are important to your paper? 


Consider what factors are involve in your topic. Read some background information or a summary to learn more about your topic and then make a list of relevant factors. The background reading can also provide you with keywords, specialized vocabulary, and definitions, which will be useful for future searches.


What time period is involved? Are you considering the present day, or are you going back in history to look at a time period some time ago, say what Americans were eating in 60's. Be sure you know what dates and times are involved in your topic because that will affect how you write about them. Your topic may have specific dates associated with it or it may be more general. For example, if there was government regulation or laws passed that affects your topic then information before that date may not be relevant any more.


Sometimes places or geography are important to your topic. Are you considering food in the United States versus another country? The situation can be quite different in some countries than it is here.


This is a really important one. Why should people care about this topic? Why is your chosen topic important or controversial? What's at stake, or why did it happen / is it happening?