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Ask a Librarian

Send your questions to a librarian to get them answered.

Ask a Librarian - Spartanburg Community College

Need Help?

Having trouble finding the information you need? Need help with an assignment? Fill out and submit the form below. A librarian will respond to you by email or phone as soon as possible (when the library is open, responses will be sent within 24 hours). Assistance is also available in person or by phone, please see our Contact and Hours page for details. For off-campus access, please review our Off-Campus Access page.

If you need assistance while the library is closed, you may access the 24/7 Live Chat on our library website, where librarians from other colleges answer our chats after hours. Please note they do not review papers/ABs for citations and some SCC-specific questions will have to wait until the library reopens. However, they will do their best to help. You can also search our FAQs and check out our Research GuidesResearch How-To and Citation Guides for additional assistance.

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Please save files to your computer and then upload them to our form as Word documents or PDFs or PowerPoints.  Do not send or share a link to your document. (Example from Word or OneDrive) We are not able to open shared links.

Please note the library does not review for grammar or writing in a paper/project. For that, contact the English tutors at the TLC (tutoring center). See our FAQ for Paper Reviews for options.

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