Once you've selected a company, try searching the databases below for potential sources you can use for your project. You are looking for sources that provide information about your company. Search these databases by typing the name of your company in the search box. If you need assistance, ask a librarian for help!
Start with your company's website.
Read the "About Us" section of your company's website.
Intellect provides the Hoovers Online private company data from Dun & Bradstreet on over 100 million privately held global companies (plus 145 million inactive global companies).
In addition, it also provides WhitePages Pro, executive contacts on over 90 million professional decision makers, global business family tree information, Nielsen demographic data and consumer lifestyle data from Infutor, and D&B First Research Industry Reports covering over 1000 industries.
Combines Gale reference content with respected business sources and full-text periodicals to provide access more than 430,000 detailed company profiles with company financial data, in-depth country overviews, and comprehensive industry profiles.
Search 3 databases at once! Business Source Premier, Academic Search Premier, Regional Business News. Scholarly business journals and other sources, including 1,125 peer-reviewed business publications. Proxy Bypass
With access to over million statistics on over 80,000 topics from over 18,000 credible sources, this database specialized in market and consumer data, statistics, infographics, reports, plus company insights to support research and help to find statistics, charts, graphs, and other visuals to integrate into papers and presentations.