1. Getting Started
First Things First - Assignment Requirements
Before you begin work on your project, examine the assignment closely and make sure you understand all the requirements.
Q. What kind of book should I choose?
There are some typical requirements for the kind of books that you can read for this assignment. For instance, your book should not be older than 10 years, unless it is written by a 'classic' author such as Covey, Carnegie, or Peale.
Your instructor may give you specific criteria for the book that you choose to use for this assignment, so make sure you double check your assignment and ask your instructor to make sure the book you choose is acceptable.
Q. What other requirements should you make note of?
Are there any other important requirements? Make note of any requirements about the books you need to choose. What format will you use to turn in this project? Make note of any other requirements on the assignment sheet, and ask your instructor for clarification on any parts you're not sure about.