Company Website
The URL or web address for your company's website can be found in Hoover's or by doing an internet search.
You can often find good information on the company's website, such as the company history, annual reports or its mission statement. There is often a section of the website that is set up for stockholders where you may be able to find financial information such as the annual reports. Look for sections with names such as “investor relations,” “shareholder relations,” “publications” or “financials.” Also look for links entitled "community relations" or "about us." Sometimes there is a search box you can use to find information. Remember, each company will set up its website differently, so spend some time looking for what you need.
Be aware that a company's mission statement isn't always called "Mission Statement." It may have other names, such as "Vision Statement," or it may not have a title at all. A company may have the mission statement on its website or not list it at all.
Other ways you can find the mission statement are by sending an email to the company or by calling the corporate office. If you do this, be sure to be very business-like in your correspondence.
For examples on how to cite a website, go to the Library's MLA handout, and look at "Entire Website" under the section on citing websites.