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CPT 118 - Research an Organization

This guide will help you research an organization.

1. Getting Started

Exclamation PointFirst Things First - Assignment Requirements

Before you begin work on any research paper, examine the assignment closely for any requirements. 

Q. How long is the paper? 

This will be listed on your assignment.

Q. What kind of sources?

For this assignment, sources may include: 

  • Websites (including the company's website)
  • Industry reports
  • Company reports
  • Annual reports (10Ks)
  • Press releases
  • Occupational Outlook Handbook
  • Note: Company information changes frequently, make sure your sources are current (within the last 2 years).

Q. How do you cite sources?

For this assignment, you will cite your sources in MLA format. Your sources will be listed on your MLA Works Cited page.  You will also incorporate your sources throughout your paper using in-text citations.

Q. What is due?

Is this just a paper?  Are there other pieces like a rough draft, presentation etc.  Make note of all the parts of the assignment and create a checklist to make sure you don't leave anything out.

Q. When is it due?

How long do you have to work on this paper? Is there one due date for everything or are there multiple due dates for different parts of the assignment?  Plan out your time, so you don't get stuck doing all the work at the last minute. Plan extra time in case you have problems or get stuck.